
App Vision Map

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Determining the meticulous details and defined scope of a minimum viable product (MVP) is crucial for delivering something that seamlessly aligns with both user requirements and strategic business objectives. It is imperative to start with a design, a user story definition, architecture and roadmap planning project. You need an accurate blueprint before you dive straight into a launch, and UI/UX are critical pieces of the puzzle. 

GAP provides all this — including an architecture and delivery plan that can scale with your needs — along with developing an interface that drives a great user experience. The overall goal is to design a UI and design a prototype, architecture, and product roadmap that will enable fund raising or inform the investment plan for the future

  • Optimize the development process 
  • Ensure a high-quality end product
  • Pave the way for continuous refinement 

If you want to build a high-quality product in the market with a focused feature set, GAP’s App Vision Map provides the information needed to validate your value proposition and determine the priority of additional features remaining in the user story backlog. 

Working toward an MVP will enable you to successfully launch a high-quality product in the market. With GAP’s process, the user stories included in the MVP will be determined collaboratively with you, and the deliverables produced as part of this project are essential components of a fundraising or budgeting effort.  

App Vision Map Deliverables

App Vision Map

An App Vision Map project produces the following deliverables:

  • Visual Design — User Experience
    1. Research and Inspiration
    2. User Stories that define the workflow of the application
    3. Application Wireframes for Key Workflows
  • Visual Design — UI and Art Direction
    1. Look and Feel (Hero Screens)
    2. Mockups with click-through screens (optional)
  • Architecture Diagram
    1. Base Architecture
    2. Project Roadmap
  • Project Execution Plan with Cost Estimate

GAP’s Approach to Product Development

The App Vision Map is one component of GAP’s integrated visual design, user experience and product development process. While each of these domains operates in parallel, they are linked and co-evolve to produce your MVP. For example, while a visual design team begins both User Experience (UX) user stories and User Interface (UI) design options, a development team begins with determining the roadmap and technical architecture. The App Vision Map establishes the foundation for implementation in Sprint Cycles, where the product is built in increments.

GAP’s Approach to Product Development Chart

Following the App Vision Map, GAP Can Execute Sprint Cycles in an Implementation Phase

Not only can GAP create your blueprint — we can execute your vision utilizing the Scrum/Agile methodology for developing projects. The project is broken down into a series of 2-week sprints, and the result of every sprint is a potentially deliverable product increment. 

You are consulted on requirements interpretation and the preferred order of activities all throughout development, although generally, the highest value and biggest technical risk items will be prioritized first. 

Each user story is tested as it flows through the development process — developer unit testing, functional testing and acceptance testing (by you) — and the sprint cycles are repeated until all requirements are completed. A final sprint is usually reserved for final hardening tests and bug cleanup.  

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Ready to put our team to work for yours? Let’s get started. We specialize in custom software development and create data solutions to accelerate your digital transformation journey. GAP also consults on technology solutions to drive business outcomes, and helps technology teams scale faster when they lack the resources or expertise. If you’re ready to dive in, let’s make innovation your competitive advantage.