
Legacy Application
Development Services

Legacy Application
Development Services

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Two people typing, one in an old typewriter and another in a modern laptop
Two people typing, one in an old typewriter and another in a modern laptop

Modernize Your Legacy Apps with Ease – Expert Support for a Seamless Upgrade

The software world never stops, and your apps are never done. But if your apps are no longer meeting your business needs, it’s time to modernize. GAP software experts help maintain no longer supported code or restructure your legacy application development code to align it with contemporary platforms. Our teams are filled with expertise in Java, .Net, Ruby, PHP, Python and more to make modernizing old code (and old versions) efficient and painless.

GAP’s process begins by assessing your systems and identifying components needing upgrades or modernization. Our recommendations range from maintenance activities to adopting a software-as-a-service approach with APIs or redistributing applications and data across on-site and cloud platforms.

  • Make legacy applications mobile-friendly
  • Maintain compliance
  • Keep apps updated with the latest releases

Modernize, Rewrite or Replace? Here's what the data shows to get it done right.



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Ready to put our team to work for yours? Let’s get started. We specialize in custom software development and create data solutions to accelerate your digital transformation journey. GAP also consults on technology solutions to drive business outcomes, and helps technology teams scale faster when they lack the resources or expertise. If you’re ready to dive in, let’s make innovation your competitive advantage.

Person typing on laptop