
Source7 -
Asset Management Web Interface

Source7 is a leader in providing comprehensive intelligence on household products, recall data, and product failure insights, crucial for property insurers, realtors, assessors, and technicians.

Service: UI/UX Design & UI Development, Platform Engineering, Software & Data Engineering

Industry: Finance/Fintech/Banking

Tech Stack: Django, Python, JavaScript

Profile & Challenge

Source7 had two primary applications – one for claims and one for evaluations. Property managers use Evaluations to document appliances and their location in properties. Insurance adjusters use Claims. If an appliance breaks and causes property damage, home insurance can subrogate to get money back from the manufacturer, or a faulty installer. Insurance companies use the data to recover money for repairs and homeowners can even get their deductible back.

Source7 wanted to improve the usability of their web app for adjusters and technicians in the field who were often in dark, tight places like a crawl space entering details in the app. It wasn’t uncommon to lose signal making it difficult to upload photos and enter the necessary details needed to determine the value and lifespan of an appliance. 


The Mission Data team analyzed the label reading process and made it more user-friendly. We organized the data entry flow to reduce the number of interactions required at each step and engineered a way for the app to retain data entered. Storing this information for future use was essential to maintain user preferences, saving progress and personalizing the user experience across different sessions in the web app. The app stores a history and tracks all items entered.

For each appliance entered, the app provides a numeric failure risk score on a gauge with color coding ranging from green to yellow to red to determine the likelihood of failure. If a recall has been issued a link to the recall information is included.

Results: Source7 now has a web application that is simple to use even in the tightest spaces. When a technician is out for a repair, they spend less time using the app and are able to focus on troubleshooting and repair.

The app is more responsive, faster and easier to use. The sales team is more efficient and the time needed to enter data has been reduced. They have an app they are proud to use.





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