
Building Event-Driven Apps with CQRS & .NET Aspire

Building Event-Driven Apps with CQRS & .NET Aspire
Reading Time: 2 minutes

.NET Aspire: A Beginner’s Guide

Want to learn how to create responsive, scalable applications that handle complex, real-time interactions? If so, then event-driven architecture and the CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) pattern might be just what you need.

In this video, we show you how to build event-driven applications using CQRS and the power of .NET Aspire. GAP’s software architect Santiago Arango walks you through the fundamentals of CQRS, demonstrating how it complements vertical slice architecture, and then guides you through hands-on coding examples that leverage Azure services like Service Bus, Cosmos DB, and SignalR.

What You’ll Learn

  • CQRS Fundamentals: Understand what CQRS is, why it’s valuable, and when it’s the right choice for your projects.
  • Vertical Slices: Discover how to structure your code using vertical slices for better organization and maintainability.
  • Hands-On Coding: Follow along as Santiago builds a sample store application, integrating CQRS with Azure services to handle real-time updates and notifications.
  • Event-Driven Power: See how .NET Aspire simplifies the creation of event-driven apps, leading to improved scalability and responsiveness.

Who Should Watch

Whether you’re a .NET developer looking to expand your skills or an architect interested in modern application design, this video is for you. No prior experience with CQRS is required – we’ll start from the basics and gradually build up your knowledge.

Get Ready to Code!
In addition to the video, we also provide the sample app and code so you can go through the tutorial step-by-step.

Github repository with sample code: https://github.com/DukeAcureds/AspireDayCQRS

Still unsure about .NET Aspire? We’ve got some great information to help you understand why/when/how you should adopt Aspire:

5 things you need to know about leveraging .NET Aspire in .NET 8

Simplifying cloud-native .NET development: .NET Aspire vs Docker